Saturday, January 7, 2017

2017: The Year of my Dreams?

I 100% agree that 2016 was a bleh year. I kept blaming everything that went wrong on poor 2016. To be honest I focused on all the negative stuff and NONE of the good. I was jealous of those that had "good" 2016's. I was watching Jaclyn Hills snapchat on New Years Eve and she said something the stuck with me. She said "2016 was a year of lessons..." after I heard that all my mixed feelings about 2016 went away. 2016 was my year of lessons and now in 2017 I need to learn from them. So, I have decided to make 2017 the Year of my Dreams! 

How will I make it the year of my dreams?? Well that is the part I am not sure about. I want to make monthly goals not just yearly goals. Maybe even weekly goals. Start small than go big! I have life goals, blog goals, youtube goals and just plain ole me goals. I will be sharing my goals with you slowly this month. But today in this blog I will share with you my January goals.

So here we go! 

1. My number one goal is to make me happy! I am a people pleaser. I hate saying no to anyone and that is how I end up with 4 jobs a few years ago...never going back to that again.

2. I want to post at least once a week on this blog. I find joy in writing. I also find joy in cooking, baking, reading and make up! So why not write about it?!

3. I want to get back to filming. I used to post weekly on Youtube. I love the process of filming and uploading. 

4. I HATE editing videos. I want to find the joy in editing. Maybe now since I have actual professional lights I will enjoy editing...who knows

5. I want to utilize instagram. Instagram is great tool and I am slowing learning that. It is an easy way to connect with you my readers and viewers.

6. Reading, Reading, Reading! I want to read at least two books and listen to at least one book this month. I am an Audible addict so, I don't find listening to be that challenge. I do find reading challenging because well lets face it, I would rather binge watch Netflix than read a book. I used to LOVE reading and it kills me that I just typed that last sentence. So, I gotta fix that!

7. Cooking and cleaning. I love cooking! I can cook all day long. Give me any recipe and I will attempt to cook it. I HATE the cleaning part of cooking. Just right now I realized I still have dishes sitting on the counter from tonights dinner...ew!
I hear this clean as you go method is pretty rad so, I will give it a whirl!

8. Lastly, I will walk my dogs daily! This not only benefits them, it also benefits Ezekiel and I. Walks are fantastic. When Ezekiel and I walk we are not distracted by your phones or computers. We are focused on each other and our dogs. We have been together almost 8 years now and let me tell you it isn't easy. Walks help us tremendously! We have the craziest, weirdest conversations when we go on walks. Once we are done with the walk my two dogs are happy and Ezekiel and I are happy. And that is my main goal for January, to be happy.

So there are 8 goals for January! I have more and I will share them. I would like to know what your goals are. Is 2017 going to be your year of dreams? 



*you can find these glasses on my shop section* 

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